
bouncy balls

I have a fabulous and large bouncy ball collection. I counted them a couple days ago. I  have exactly 172 fabulous bouncy balls. Some light up. One makes noise. some have glitter in them. They are all fabulous! I decided to start collecting bouncy balls when I found out my fabulous cousin collected them. Ever since then, I've been collecting them.


blogish elephants

I've remodeled my blog again so it's even more fabulous! The elephants' names are one of the following: Tim, Phil, Sue, Jerry, Anne, Stuart, Larry, Peggy, or Percilla. Aren't they fabulous? I think so. Well, have a nice life.


picnic in the canyon

On Mother's Day, a bunch of my fabulous family came over and we had a picnic in the canyon.
This is my fabulous baby cousin, Lucy. She probably has over 800 bows. She is sooooo cute!!!
This is my other cousin, Luke. He is two years old and INSANE!!!! But his hair is fabulous!

that's commitment

My mom and aunt just went on a 50 mile bike ride (they are training for a half iron man). It was VERY bad weather so they  can barely move. It was raining, hailing, and windy! My fabulous mom said they probably should have turned back but of coarse, they didn't. They were gone for a long time! Oh well. They are back now. 


permit time (not for me)

My fabulous sister, Mandi, got her permit yesterday. I was in the car with her when she took her last drive in drivers ed. The car was so fabulous!!! It was a red sports car! She did really well (I may have been a little nervous). On a totally different subject, School is almost out!!!!!!! It may be out for some of you already but not for me. I want summer to come faster!!!!!! Oh well.


I won!

Guess what? I ran for 8th grade representative at my school for next year and I WON!!!!!!!! I made lots of fabulous posters. Like one said, "I mustache you a question. Will you vote for Abby for 8th grade rep.?" I put a mustache made from fabulous mustache fabric on the poster. I was way happy when I found out!



We had some roses at my house and they started dying. They looked so fabulous and cool though, I wanted to take a fabulous pic. of it. This was the result.


house of girls

 I organized the bathroom drawer. Doesn't it look fabulous? You can so tell it's house of girls.
This is the basket of headbands. I didn't organize it.


sudoku club

Today I taught my fabulous friend how to play sudoku. She really liked it so we decided to make a fabulous sudoku club. We even made a nerdy handshake. We say brains but on the s we do knuckles and do z instead of s and pretend we're being electracuted. Isn't it fabulous and nerdy.